
Responses from sergio

Integrated amp reccomendations
Try new integrated Flying mole. 
Best speaker cables for Talon Diamond Firebirds
I think no need to spent such amount for excellent LS cables.I changed Transparent Ultra with Nanotec Golden Strada 79.They are really fantastic.2m pair terminatedwith Oyaide spades I paid 380$.Read a review by Bill Gaw of Enjoy the Music.He was d... 
Nordost vs. Transparent...which is better?
I have Transparent Audio Reference digital RCA cable and Acoustic Revive DSIX digital active RCA cable costing far less then TA, so that I could do direct comparison.I am going to keep Acoustic Revive which clearly outperformTA. 
Anyone have experience with the Nanotec Nespa?
Nespa#1 is soooo gooood.It made me enjoy in CD's which I have not listen tofor a long time because they sounded badly.Obviously it helps to overcome failure in manufacturing process of CDs.XRCDs treated with Nespa are equal to the best SACDs.