
Responses from seitei

Some questions about Kharma Exquisite Reference
Wow!...thanks for all the warm feedbacks!Mike,A persuasive argument! You suggested Tenor hybrid 150 instead of 300 monoblocks. Is Tenor hybrid 150 more suitable for my audio room?Tuboo & Peteb,You remind me the presence of Kharma MP-150 & ... 
Some questions about Kharma Exquisite Reference
Tuboo,I ever auditoned the Lohengrin drove by a pair of Viola Bravo several years ago. I was deeply moved then. However, I judge the limited space of my audio room may constrain the performance of this wonderful speaker. What's the superiority of ... 
Some questions about Kharma Exquisite Reference
Thanks for quick responses from all of you. Fmpnd, You mean the space is not a problem if I heavily treated the room? What kinds of treatment have you done? Mike,Honestly, I'm interested in the Kharma Exquisite Reference speaker just because I saw...