
Responses from scubidubi

Need Mcintosh Pro advice Vintage Tube AMP
Thanks a lot Nsgarch.I have search a lot from the Mcintosh and I understand the MC75 are great amp even with today standards.In some forum people reports that they sound better than the 275 due the sperated power supply and separted chassis.Regard... 
Remote Control for CDM12 pro 2
I just found the following RC: seller mentioned it's working with CDM12 .I contact him but he doesn't know if it should work with CDM12 PRO V2.... 
Remote Control for CDM12 pro 2
Thanks Elberoth2, I check but can't find something like that (not in eBay or in local store).can you or some1 recommend on specific one?or where can i buy one...Thanks 
Sonus Faber Concertos
I had the Concertos ,Very musical with good detail.In this price(1k$) the concertos one of the first choices. 
choosing the right PRE
can anyone refer my Q please?I'd like to know if A Pre Tube can be a good match with the meridian 557 and the Extrema , I have the Meridian and the Extrema just a week and im totaly amazing from the sound- Really excited .now Im listenning with so... 
choosing the right PRE
Thanx Jaybo,The meridian has a XLR I dont know if it fully balance , Do u recommend on Meridian SS for PRE?And conncet it with the XLR?Anyone tried sonus faber extrema with PRE Tube???Thanx 
SF Extrema,Few q
Thanx Twilo,DO u know if theres a diff ?what should be better?and another important Q, Do I need very large place to the Extrema?Can anyabosy recomend on some nice cheap Pre?thought about the CJ maybe the pv6 or pv10. 
SF Extrema,Few q
Sorry Im asking all that Q .... I guess all this search for the best speaker make me sleep less lately.well.. I still think the extrema is my first chooice,but i also checking other to make my extrema chooice even safer.I think the cremona looks a... 
SF Extrema,Few q
can refer to my previous message.Thanx 
SF Extrema,Few q
Hi People - I open this thread about the extrema.I just sold my speakers and I'm willing to decide ,but need some help here.Well...Another pair of speaker come in mind now...The CREMONA , I'd like to know what u thinking about it.I know the extrem... 
SF Extrema,Few q
Thabx Twilo:I heard that a pair Meridian 557 (bridged) can be a good match whith Extrema.But I want something ligheter(in weight and money)can u please explain why u think Class D amp isn't a good chooice for the extrema?U wrote they small but the... 
SF Extrema,Few q
as Gergm advise to check the units condition I guess the following Q has to be if SONUS FABER still holding repair units for the Extrema?after 14 years i think they may not.Gregm - To build good AMP based on Hyepx it will cost me much more than 30... 
Can anybody recommed on a good power sup thats work well with the UcD 400?If some1 selling his amp (Based on UcD400) Im here 
Thanx Eldartford,Can u recommend which power sup is good for the UcD400?I heard that there ather product(Not hypex) that have better power sup.Do I need 2 power sup for stereo dual mono amp?Can anybody write a list of things(Based on 400UcD moudle...