
Responses from scoran

Merrill GEM Dandy PolyTable vs. Well Tempered Amadeus
@noromance - how are the Jelco 850/950 and 550 on adjusting vertical tracking angle when changing records? I'd like to be able to adjust for 90 gram vs. 180-200 gram vinyl. 
Merrill GEM Dandy PolyTable vs. Well Tempered Amadeus
@fjn04 - thank for mentioning the Denon 103. Definitely one I'd consider, or a modded variant. I'm also curious about the Mo-Fi Ultradeck, but thinking the PolyTable and Well Tempered have dampening that's more forgiving in my room. 
Merrill GEM Dandy PolyTable vs. Well Tempered Amadeus
@arturos73 - I spoke with George shortly before after the original PolyTable came out and agree he's one of the good guys. I really need to hear each table, but I don't live close to dealers for either model, so in the meantime hoping to hear from... 
DAC recommendations for CDs in 2-channel system
Good stuff, Steve. Thanks for the thorough answers. It's given me something to think about... 
DAC recommendations for CDs in 2-channel system
Wow - Resonessence prices seem to push up against DACs from Pass Labs. If I were going to spend that kind of money, I'd either go Pass Labs or Mytek Brooklyn! 
DAC recommendations for CDs in 2-channel system
@audioengr - one more question for you: my preamp (Odyssey Audio Tempest) has only analog RCA inputs. Reading the Six Moons review of your device (congrats, btw), it appears your device has only digital inputs and outputs. Will analog output from ... 
DAC recommendations for CDs in 2-channel system
@audioengr - some questions, since you're covering topics I don't know much about: - Whose filter and what method of filtering is used on the Synchro-Mesh reclocker?- Do some DACs not play well with certain reclockers? I'm wondering about the up... 
DAC recommendations for CDs in 2-channel system
@mesch - that was my initial plan, to go for something like the Multibit Bifrost. Then I read reports of high distortion levels and started havingĀ  doubts about build & sound quality of Schiit in general. Here's an example: https://audioscienc... 
DAC recommendations for CDs in 2-channel system
@mattmiller - I wondered about this. What about all the comments on Audiogon from folks saying "no" to Sabre DACs? 
DAC recommendations for CDs in 2-channel system
Thanks for this. So far reviews look pretty good. This is probably the top end of what I'd spend, especially for an older model in a fast-changing category.