
Responses from safarisound

Need help on a new CD/SACD player
I think I am going with a used Naim player and a Bluesound node.Thank you to everyone on the forum for the great suggestions (as always).if I can find a transport for the Marantz, it will be for sale here soon. 
Need help on a new CD/SACD player
The local shop sent it to Marantz. They said no parts available.  I would love for them to be wrong. 
Need help on a new CD/SACD player
SACD is not a deal breaker. Was wondering how the Cambridge CX player and DAC sound as there are very few reviews. 
Need help on a new CD/SACD player
Yes, and has some basic streaming capabilities. 
Need help on a new CD/SACD player
I want to spend less than $1200. I can get the Arcam for $1100. 
Help with cartridge
Well I got it back from Andy at the Needle Clinic. I am delighted with the results. I also installed a new belt and bearing oil for the Gyrodec. I forgot how superior vinyl is! Thanks to all your suggestions! If I swap cartridges, I think I will t... 
Help with cartridge
Thanks team Audiogon!Yes, I have a SUT from Wright Audio.Even with the bent cantilever it still played. Did an A/B with Sinatra’s Girl from Impanea on CD and 1960’s era vinyl. Wow! Going back to analog like the return of the prodigal son. 
Help with cartridge
Sorry, Needle Clinic (Andy), not Needle Doctor. 
Help with cartridge
Thank you everyone for the help. It has been determined to be a 103D.I am considering having it upgraded by the Needle Doctor, to the sapphire boron with nude micro ridge stylus.