
Responses from russmac8

HiFi Rose RS250
I tried both the RS150 and 250. The more expensive 150 is a definite step up in sound. The 250 is good as a stand-alone but will benefit from running to better dac. The only fault I found was being able to connect to and organize your local NAS fi... 
what amp are you using with wilson benesch speakers
Running Curves with HH Scott 222D. Love it. 22 watts of tube power is plenty. Have also heard Luxman and Nagra.  Both great. Tubes or SS on the warm side,  but hard to find ones that Wilson Beneschs can’t shine with.  
Is there a Solid State amp that can satisfy a SET guy? case my previous post wasn't clear.I'm a SET guy who is extremely satisfied with my SS choice.Although not a tube sound, it is a new, perhaps different, level of enjoyment. 
Is there a Solid State amp that can satisfy a SET guy?
Was using SET Dehavilland Aires mono blocks with WE845s (30w per channel) and it was driving Wilson Benesch curves beautifully (87db). Incredible sound but felt I needed a little more power for the Curves at times.A need to simplify my system cam... 
Looking for recommendations for a 'warm' sounding DAC
Being a mainly vinyl guy, the new Line Magnetic LM-32 is the first where I was happy listening to digital.  
My stereo receiver is a little too bright. Can a cable help me out?
It's about component matching. I have an SX-980 which I love in my all vintage Pioneer set up. The Pioneer can be brighter sounding, so with digital content and some modern bright speakers it could be too much.  Sounds like you're not satisfied wi...