
Responses from rotabel

Anyone heard the Onkyo sp 1000 yet?
I have heard Cary will be coming out with an universal player but timing keeps getting pushed. I also heard that the MSRP will be in excess of $3k. To my knowledge even their dealers don't have much info on the unit. Maybe they will have one at CES. 
Anyone heard the Onkyo sp 1000 yet?
Thanks. I understand. Some of these terms do get lost when you do not spend a lot of time on the forum. It looks like the onkyo is well liked. I am not clear if they incorporate time delay in their software to cure the lip sync curse. My pre/pro d... 
Anyone heard the Onkyo sp 1000 yet?
Ok. Now here is where I show my beginners lack of knowledge. What is redbook? I went to avsforum and did a search but could not find a definition. I am still looking for the audiogon search engine. 
Building a home theater.
Thanks for the inputs. Now all I have to do is find a local dealer. Found one for the Von Schweikerts, Vmps, and Meadowlark. Anyone tried Thiel?Ro