

Responses from rob80b

Streamers - Cambridge Audio CXN (V2) or Blue Node 2i
"Streammagic, are useless, particularly if you stream classical music." Ok....got my answer from your other thread.https://forum.audiogon.com/discussions/streamers-with-best-apps 
Streamers - Cambridge Audio CXN (V2) or Blue Node 2i
Just getting my feet wet with one of these...currently have thousands of CD's and Vinyl but was impressed with the selection on Tidal so invested in the CXN V2...using Stream Magic V1.1.1...why is it "useless"  Classical music....just curious. 
Help on Esoteric P-500 transport
The TEAC VRDS transports are great but the rails for the laser transport should be cleaned and lightly oiled every few years or so for trouble free operation.Also some of he VRDS transports 10,20 and 25 have belts that should be replaced also. 
Comparisons between the Bryston BCD-1 & Esoteric
Had a chance to audition the Esoterics, they sound great, love the construction and TEAC's transports, and the winner is...Bryston's BCD-1.This is an amazing player, if you're bottom line is the absolute truth on Redbook only playback you'd be har... 
Modern monitor that images like Celestion SL600 ?
I did the same mistake recently, pulled out my SL6S’s, which I had not listened to for a number of years and my Dynaudio Contour 1.3MKII's were just put to shame when it came to imaging and depth. The Celestions just disappeared, maybe not as neut... 
Celestion SL6 SI - Is it magnetically shielded?
No they are not, sort of proceeded the whole HT thing. Although to sound their best they should be placed far enough from any reflecting surfaces, aka TV. 
Dynaudio 1.3SE and 1.3mK....What's the Difference?
Check out Dynaudio's archive here.http://www.dynaudiousa.com/products/archive/archive1.htm 
Dynaudio Audience 52 vs 52 SE
Just came across this post so I thought I'd add my own info on the topic for future reference.In regards to the Dyn's bottoming out, there are a number of references to this.http://db.audioasylum.com/cgi/m.mpl?forum=speakers&n=123725&highl... 
bryston ST and NRB question
I recieved a later 3B ST THX (not SST, final checkout 2003/02/07) on a warranty issue (Thank you Bryston) which replaced my 3B NRB. If memory serves me correct I heard an early 3B ST after purchasing a new 3B NRB in 94 and only perceived a small d...