
Responses from rnolanf33

How should I upgrade? A new preamp with a phono stage or just a phono preamp?
Mesch, why SS and not tube?  
How should I upgrade? A new preamp with a phono stage or just a phono preamp?
Dill What do you mean by dual volume controls? I deal with that as it is. I’m looking for the best upgrade for the money. I’ve heard that the AI modulus 3a pairs very nicely with the Mccormack DNA  
How should I upgrade? A new preamp with a phono stage or just a phono preamp?
I'm using a Technics SL-1600 with a shure M95ED. I'm sure I will upgrade the cartridge at some point but that's a whole other can of worms.  
How should I upgrade? A new preamp with a phono stage or just a phono preamp?
I should say that the B&K has a direct bypass button that I use unless I'm listening to vinyl. My sources are connected to the B&K inputs and the B&K is then run through the Bottlehead and then into the Mccormack