
Responses from rmd1114

What have other owners of Tekton Design Ulfberht Speakers discovered?
Just received mine on Friday, I have about 4 hours playing / listening and they still have a lot of break in to go, but I can tell how great they will be. I currently am driving them with Parasound JC1 monoblocks / JC 2 preamp.  Waiting on a pair ... 
Need recommendations for an alternative to Ayon Crossfire integrated
No, I wish.  
Tube (Primaluna) or Solid state (Parasound JC2)
No preamp.  All new system.  Got rid of my old stuff 
Tube (Primaluna) or Solid state (Parasound JC2)
I read a LOT of reviews and they all say that they both have excellent detail, soundstage, dynamics,etc.  my worries are that the JC2 May be bright, and that the tubes won't rock.  I know that the SS combo will reveal any less than perfect recordi...