

Responses from rkronenberg

Any info on the new Mccormack DNA 250?
Any updates on this topic at this point? 
Upgrade EAD processor or but newer...
Boelen Mods. Absoltely the way to go. I've never heard a 5 channel I liked till I got my completely modded Theatermaster. Even used in 2 channel, it is much better than my two channel stuff, which has included vintage and modern Goldmund, ML, and ... 
Stereovox cables, anyone?
The set offered was, well still is mine. I was offered $3,000-$3500 for my 3.0 M Vox speaker cables which I would not take. I am glad I didn't. I kept it and am using it. I use 2 pair of Vox RCAs as well, Pre-->amp and DAC-->Pre.Comparisons.... 
Opinions Please?
I have an updated Plinius SA-250/4 I use with a Classe Omega pre, Sonus Faber Guarneris and Rel Stentor 3 in my two channel. I used to own Classe amps and sonically thought Plinius a nice improvement. I'd consider Plinius' new 5 channel amp, Odeon...