
Responses from rinker

McIntosh MC352 or MC402?
If you buy the MC352 the money you save from not buying the MC402 could buy you a pair of Thiel 2.4's. These are way better than the 1.6's. Just something to consider. 
Amp recommendation please
I've owned the Bryston 4BST and now own the Belles 350A Reference. I believe the Belles is more refined and smoother sounding. It has bass authority like the Bryston as well. I also own Thiel's (2.4's)and feel the Belles is a good match. I read th... 
Anybody could advise cables for my system.........
I have owned Audioquest (Crystal), MIT (750 Plus series 3), and Wasatch LC-550 (which I currently have for sale that meets your length requirements). I found the Wasatch to work great with Audio Research gear and was a clear step above my past two...