
Responses from rickk

Amp/preamp suggestions in $3000-4000 range
By way of update, I purchased a used McCormack DNA-225 here on audiogon and am now in the process of selling some of my other equipment to get the money together for a Blueberry Xtreme2 preamp. Thanks to everyone for the tremendous amount of input... 
Amp/preamp suggestions in $3000-4000 range
Mariusz, are you saying that you think the Butler is a good amp to pair with the Blueberry? With both the Butler and the TAD 125 I'm unfamiliar with the hybrid amp design. Do these amps sound more solid state or more tube? If they are paired with ... 
Amp/preamp suggestions in $3000-4000 range
I've been reading all over the internet on this Blueberry Xtreme and I can't find many people with something bad to say about it. There's not a whole lot of talk about it here but it's wildly popular elsewhere.I wish I could hear it but evidently ... 
Amp/preamp suggestions in $3000-4000 range
Thanks for the responses. What a lot of information.I am glad to see a consensus regarding tube pre and solid state amp since that's where my thinking has been at with the Vandersteens.WOW! That Blueberry preamp is beautiful. Have never heard of J... 
What is a good amp to pair with Hovland HP-100
Well, to update, I passed on the Hovland for the reasons above. I really do think it's the best preamp I've heard but I also agree that it is wiser (at such prices) not to start from the preamp. I will start my search anew and hopefully have the o... 
What is a good amp to pair with Hovland HP-100
I appreciate the responses,Cxintx and Restock.Yes, the Hovland I'm looking at does have the phono stage. I am not familiar with the Verity Audio speakers, I'll have to investigate if there is somewhere in Philadelphia-New York to have a listen.I a... 
What is a good amp to pair with Hovland HP-100
Thanks for your responses! You make an excellent point. I was motivated to start with the Hovland also in part because I've been offered one at well below the going used rate. However, I was unaware of this situation with the volume control. It se... 
Oracle Alexandria - time for new springs?
Ugh! A bent sub-chassis sounds horrible. I hope that's not the problem. Vince, is there some prescribed way to test the integrity of the sub-chassis? I don't recall it looking bent when I had the table taken apart upon purchase and initial set up,... 
Oracle Alexandria - time for new springs?
Hi Bob,I made sure the springs were in the proper order of strength when I set it up. However, I recall that one of the springs was color-coded white. I am going off memory, but I think I have a white spring instead of the yellow. Possibly that is... 
Oracle Alexandria - time for new springs?
Newbee,I appreciate your input. It's near impossible to find anecdotal information regarding these tables. The platter was level before I adjusted the springs and after. However, it has never bobbed evenly as you describe. I believe the literature... 
Oracle Alexandria - time for new springs?
The bottom of the platter is just under a 1/4" from the plinth. The manual specified 3/8" but that seemed really high when I set it up that way and caused all three spring covers not to fit. I lowered it to the present distance and followed everyt... 
What's your profession? Age?
35yo medical student. current system retail value roughly 5-6K. spend much more money indulging my record collecting habit. next step is to start tweaking things, learn how to construct circuits, see where that leads... 
LP storage? What do you use?
This subject is a constant source of frustration for me. I maintain a collection of around 2500 lps, but have never managed to store them all in one "system" (primarily because of the large cash layout and uninterrupted wall space it would require... 
Reasonable tube phono stage for Oracle Alexandria?
I have heard a lot of good things about the ARC PH3, but I think I am looking for something a little bit cheaper, and more user friendly as far as switching between MC and MM is concerned. I'm not trying to set up a workshop over this; I'll settle... 
Reasonable tube phono stage for Oracle Alexandria?
I am looking to spend $200-300 (I have no problem buying used items, prefer it even) on the phono stage and about the same on the tonearm, if only because I have been advised that the Alexandria itself becomes a limiting factor when mated with com...