
Responses from rhharris

Do I need more power?
Ok, thanks to all for the advice. I guess I have one last thing I dont understand: The old amp was 120 watts and I was able to play things at higher maximum volume than the rogue without breaking up. But the rogue clearly has a better sound. Is th... 
Do I need a subwoofer for my audio physic sparks?
the room is about 20x10 ft, so not huge. the speakers are at 4 ohms. when you say separate pre-power, does that mean a sep amp or preamp? if so, cld i make use of the yamaha in some way? (its 120 watts.) 
Do I need more power?
Thanks to all for all the advice. On the Velodyne subs, there's a huge price range. Any suggestions? What do i need?Also, does this mean i shld just stick with the amp? That is, it sounds like getting an amp with more watts wont make a difference ... 
Do I need more power?
Right, thanks. Now, Im not usually listening to stuff at realy loud volumes, but sometimes I would like to. Is that just not do-able with this setup? Or is there something I can add to it? 
Do I need more power?
Hi, I'm not an expert on this, so I'm not totally sure why I understand the significance of the ohm-age. What's meant by "clipping your amp." Please 'splain?(Also, someone just told me that 60 watts is just not enough power. Is that right?)