
Responses from redwolf

Component video cable?
You might want to try the new Nordost Silver Screen HD Component Video cable. It is not on their web site yet, but it was made available to the dealers in January 2004. The difference between the Optix cable and Silver Screen is Optix is 22 gauge ... 
Nordost vs Maestro 2 vs Kimber Hero
Nordost is the best, I learned this first hand from a friend with a top notch system that illustrated the difference. Their patened technology is so good that NASA uses them. Nordost developed a construction technique which dramatically reduces th... 
A dedicated digital Cable or XLRinterconect?
More importantly a digital cable is stranded differently than an analog cable. In Nordost terms the analog cable is comprised of seven strands and the digital 75 ohm cable is one strand while the digital 110 ohm/balanced cable is comprised of two ...