
Responses from rdesai

Oh where or where have all the buyers gone?
May be the items you list are not exactly in high demand, even in the best of times. I mean, how many folks are going to jump at the chance to pay $600 for a pair of speaker jumper cables? 
Marsh Amps
I can answer the question "How good is the Marsh 200 amp?" but cannot compare with the McCormack or Plinius as I have not heard either. Along with the Marsh 200, I own Sony SCD 777, Placette Passive linestage and Harbeth Compact 7 ES Speakers.The ... 
Comparison CJ MV-55 & 11A
I used both amps with Response 2 for one year each. I was very pleased with both. I think the speaker would benefit from the additional power provided by the 11a, but you do lose the some of the mid band sweetness from the EL34 tubes. By contrast,...