
Responses from rcoppel

help thiel 2.4 placement???
thanks for your answers, because my room is 12 ft by 15 ft, i could only place them 6 ft apart (because of the door of the room), but toninght i will have to change the whole set up of the room so i can position them 8-9 feet apart and 2-3 feet fr... 
building new system, any suggestions or comments
forgot to mention, acoustic zen satori biwire speaker cables.thanks in advance. 
Krell or Classe Integrated for Sonus Faber Concert
nodody has recomended the krell amp for my speakers, so i am taking it out of the list. because i live in mexico i cant have a in home audition, so i will have to buy on the recomendations that you guys give me. for now i am considering this amps:... 
Need integrated amp for Sonus Faber Concertos
does anybody have experience with this combo,Conrad Johnson Sonographe SA-250 & SC-26, will they work good with sonus faber speakers. because i am getting a very good deal ($1330 for both new) on this equipment.thanks