Responses from quickink
What are your top 3 favorite turntable companies (manufacturer) and why? Acoustic Research (AR) - Been around forever (1961); simplicity itself. Belt driven and pretty much bullet proof since there's nothing much to go wrong. Not going to find a better bang for the buck - I picked my first one up for less than $100. ... | |
F-XLR to M-RCA recommendations You might look at a product like: https://aphex.com/products/124b I've been using them for various applications for decades. | |
Movie/film suggestions. Hal Ashby’s Harold and Maude (Cat Stevens Soundtrack) | |
Favorite Album Cover (picture or art on the cover) 10CC - The Original Soundtrack | |
What preamp with both line stage and phono? Looking for something Nelson Pass related? How about the old Threshold FET 9e (if you can find one)? | |
Top 10 Live Albums Billy Joel - Songs in the Attic Bruce Hornsby - Intersections/ 1985-2005 and another thumbs up for: ELP - Brain Salad Surgery |