Responses from primetime74
Sonus Faber Nove II or III @singere I didn't buy either Nova. I was about to pull the trigger, likely on the Nova II but my fiance said I should wait. I'm glad she did because work slowed down. As far as the Moon 330a, I absolutely love it. It's musical enough, but no... | |
New Eversolo DMP-A10 @oddiofyl I know those things are important. I'm satisfied enough in comparison to the Lumin T2 I a already own. It's got a better feature set, I asked for sound quality because that's the most important thing to ME. If similar are comparable I ... | |
New Eversolo DMP-A10 Does anyone know how the sound quality of the A 10 matches up to the Lumin T2(3)? I'm intrigued by the features, but sound quality is most important. | |
Streamer and Dac ~$4.5k for Vinnie Rossi, Dynaudio system @cold_pillow have you considered the Moon 390? It has a full pre amp section, plus a steamer. It has a beautiful, transparent sound w an amazing 10 year warranty. Very musical and smooth sounding. | |
Streamer and Dac ~$4.5k for Vinnie Rossi, Dynaudio system I have the Lumin T2. It's a great all in one that has a slight touch of warmth. It's very rhythmic, musical, and has a lot of detail. The T3 is supposed to bring improvements. The only negative is the app isn't the best. Especially w using... | |
Lumin T2 or Matrix Audio Element X It sounds like you can't audition. I say keep researching both. What kind of sound signature each has, features, etc. I have the Lumin T2 and love the sound. It's extremely musical and pretty neutral IMO. | |
Borresen Loudspeakers @gandalf I was just wondering the opinions of anyone who has heard both. I like both styles of presentation. The natural, organic sound of Sonus faber is what made me purchase the Sonetto V's last year. While I absolutely love their sound in bi... | |
Sonus Faber Nove II or III @theo No doubt budget is a factor. While I have the money I'm torn because I bought new speakers, amp, streamer, and cables last year! If business stays stable I'll likely buy one or the other. | |
Borresen Loudspeakers Anyone who has heard both the X3 and Sonus Faber Nova, how would you compare the two? | |
Qobuz vs. Tidal @greg_f I'm a metal head. I find Qobuz to have a more hi res choices. In the other hand Tidal does have a few more obscure bands if you're into extreme metal. | |
Qobuz vs. Tidal I've used both, but prefer Qobuz. There's more space, nuance, detail, etc. That said, Tidal is more user friendly. | |
Eversolo DMP -A8 Server,Dac, Streamer,Preamp - best bang for the Buck How would the Eversolo A8 compare sound wise to the Lumin T2, Hi Fi Rose 150b, etc? I love the Lumin sound, however, the app leaves much to be desired. I also would now like a streamer to connect to the TV. | |
Sonus Faber Nove II or III @stanleylocke the dealer is offering w nearly year old Sonetto's the Nova II for $7,700 and III for $11,200. Unfortunately, I don't have the boxes so shipping wouldn't be easy to sell for max profit unless locally. I wish Sonus Faber had a trade ... | |
Sonus Faber Nove II or III @theo I wonder if the III's would over power my current living situation. However, I don't want the regret of wanting more bass down the road. That said, for my taste, the Sonetto V has more than enough bass. If the Nova can match it I'm happ... |