
Responses from pkolakkar3

Hegel H160 -> Hegel H390 upgrade suggestion
@fastfreight thanks will dig it out tonight and give it a shot for sure.  
Hegel H160 -> Hegel H390 upgrade suggestion
@fastfreight I guess I should try that with one sub like you advised and then get the second one as advised. I never thought of adjustment in that sense ever honestly.  
Hegel H160 -> Hegel H390 upgrade suggestion
thanks @audioman58 makes sense. I will try them out and keep you guys posted. Luxman and Pass are indeed very sought after if price is ofcourse not the concern. The build quality speaks for itself.  
Hegel H160 -> Hegel H390 upgrade suggestion
@audioman58 I agree with you on that. How do you compare say vintage sansui or pioneers (ofcourse without the dac) vs Hegel or amps today rather in general? Do you think they (vintage) amps still stand a chance knowing not much has evolved in term... 
Tannoy 3833GG ( DMT 15 drivers + cross over ) in a different housing
@roxy54 that "very different" is what im worried about. since the seller is living two states away I was thinking to just pull the trigger without listening.   
Hegel H160 -> Hegel H390 upgrade suggestion
@soix thanks for the reply.  My concern was primarily going from H160 to H390 because my bookshelves dont even need so much power and hence i was wondering if it even made sense to do so. My Focal Electra bookshelves only need max 150W power whic... 
Hegel H160 and longevity
@jjss49  :) i agree just that i had bought it new for 3500 bucks almost double the price...also i remmeber digging them used back then in 2018 but couldnt find them.  @61falcon @doni and all thanks for the assurance guys ...makes me feel bit bette... 
Hegel H160 and longevity
I did contact Hegel as well directly and they had mentioned that they have not heard of this issue. I did see a post on hegel's fb page where someone else had mentioned of a similar issue. the explanation that i was given was that since it's an SM... 
Hegel H160 and longevity
yes authorized dealer ofcourse as mentioned on the Hegel's page.  
Amp for Focal Electra 1008Be
hi hawaiian guy sorry i just saw the post again after years and dont have access to the old account. yes i am still on my h160 :) only issue i have had in all these years was left channel seeing distortion a month ago. sent it to the dealer and go... 
Hegel H160 and Focal Electra 1008Be sounding bass-less
so I let the amp run for about 10 hours yesterday. I started listening to it today morning and it had fair amount of bass that was non existent before. the speakers are next to the wall (ports facing the wall 1ft away). The room is treated. The sa...