
Responses from pitomazogordo

HOLO Audio Spring DAC: Affordable discrete R2R Multibit Dac, could be a winner.
I’m very interested on this DAC, digital audio is very interesting, because the digital side advances too fast. Of course, the analog side is essential, but is very entertaining to see how digital products evolve.Price/performance has nothing to d... 
Help me choosing an Integrated Amp
Thanks everyone for being so helpful and responsive to my thread!Things turned to an unexpected direction, I ended up with Pass Labs XA60.8 and XP-20 preamp...why? I wanted an integrated amp, and this combo is mega expensive...well, I've been very... 
Help me choosing an Integrated Amp
Thanks guys for all the answers!!! :)Dind’t know about Pass Labs INT-60...this one looks like the real deal.Here in Europe costs 12.000€ (ouch), my budget is more or less 6.000 to 8.000€, I’ll try to get a discount or a ex demo unit. 60 watts in p...