

Responses from peter_pan_syndrome

Resistor Replacement - Wilson Sophia's
I called WA last week about this very subject. If you are the original owner and you know that they haven’t been playing at high volume levels, or abused, there’s no need. If you are the second owner and have no idea, I would, I just bought a pair... 
McIntosh -- good for show, not for sound, says dealer
Having owned many pieces of McIntosh equipment, including a pair of the very first 1201 amps to roll out of Binghamton, it’s a certain sound.  It’s warm and laidback to me. Here’s the deal, it’s beautiful to look at and it sounds lush and warm, th... 
Tannoy Turnberry SE vs Kensington SE - Semi Review
Where do you think the nice gentlemen from Fyne audio started?  I do like their take on a more modern-looking speaker.  I'll stick with the original Tannoy product. I don't know, but patens come to mind.