
Responses from peishiun

Watt Puppy 7 needs new or used Amp and Pre-amp
Mcintosh pre amps, arround 3000 (C46 or C2200) are also good choices to W/p 7. I run my w/p 7 frist from MA2275, then bought a C200/MC 501 combination. The combintion is just great!! 
Can Mcintosh MA2275 be a power amp only?
Thanks Ontjesr, I just did and the result is great! MA2275 really has a great amp output! really enjory C200+MA2275 provide more clear and open sound than only using MA2275. Thanks a lot for your feedback 
the cheapest amp to drive watt/puppy 7
so far, we all talk about North America made amp, is there any one has experiences about the non-USA made integrated amps? both tube and ss. thanks (specially would thik about Jadis, Audio note, MBL or others) 
the cheapest amp to drive watt/puppy 7
thanks guys, your great input give me a lot of confidance about the direction I am going to. I will try Mcintosh MA2275 and BAT VK300xSE frist. How about the Mark Levinson 383? anyone have the experience? thanks again for your input!! 
the cheapest amp to drive watt/puppy 7
thank you all for the replys. I just bought my W/P 7 and since I run out of my budget, I have to find a cheap but good quality amp for w/p7. my system now contain: Sony SCD-1, Dynavector DV20xl catridge, Nottingham space 294 turn table, EAR 834P p...