
Responses from peaceable_kingdom

Misterio: Water Lily Acoustics vs. Audioquest
Richards,Yes, it sounds like you and I have the same thing! I really like this disc so I'll have to give 'Americas' a try. Thanks for the tip!Now, does anybody know if there is a sonic difference between the Audioquest and Water Lily Acoustics ver... 
Misterio: Water Lily Acoustics vs. Audioquest
Oops!I'd like to make a correction from my previous post.I stated that my cd copy did not have a cd designation on the end of the product code. However, it does have this designation. It is WLA-CS-08-CD. The cd designation is not stated on Water L... 
Misterio: Water Lily Acoustics vs. Audioquest
Hello Hhh,Thank you for your response.However, I would like to inform you that the Misterio recording by Strunz & Farah was, in fact, available from Water Lily Acoustics. I know this because I have a copy of this disc. It clearly states on the... 
Any info about Maston Audio?
Hi Jaybo,Thanks for the help!