
Responses from osborn

Has anyone done any business with Quads Unlimited lately???
Reviving this thread because I'm $3000 out, and have been for three years, waiting for PK to send me a restored set of 6 ESL57 panels. The last I heard from him was May 2019 (with the familiar promise of 'just a few more days my friend'). ....Was ... 
Speaker cables under floorboards - a good or bad idea?
Very useful, helpful advice - many thanks DeKay. 
Quad ESL service, Electrostatic Solutions or Quads Unlimited ?
And a thank you from me too for all the advice and recommendations. But I think I am done with shipping panels abroad for restoration (cost and UK customs delays are problem). If anyone from the UK is reading this, would very much appreciate any p... 
Quad ESL service, Electrostatic Solutions or Quads Unlimited ?
Grateful for the advice, especially about the US small claims court. Had assumed that because I am a UK citizen, it wouldn’t be an option. Just needed to search online. It is. Onwards! 
Quad ESL service, Electrostatic Solutions or Quads Unlimited ?
A sorry saga of Quad ESL57 refurbishment: I live in the UK and in December 2017 I sent Wayne Picquet of Quads Unlimited in Florida a full set of ESL57 panels (2 treble, 4 bass) to restore - and paid him upfront c. $2000 via PayPal. The panels I se...