
Responses from nper_nospam18d1

Best amplifier for Sonus Faber Concerto Home??
Thank you again for your repliesHovland doesnt carry an integrated amp, the rest of the line seems way out of budget (meaning up to 125% the value of the speakers), it doesnt make any sense to me to buy a 3500-4K USD amp, id rather have 4K$ speake... 
Best amplifier for Sonus Faber Concerto Home??
OK,My next test will probably be with what my local SF vendor also carries:- a MONRIO MC207- a Pierre Lurne H1I have also heard the best for the Manley Stingray, but its not really available for auditioning here in this part of the globe. 
Best amplifier for Sonus Faber Concerto Home??
Thank you for your replies: Musicality is just fine with me (otherwise id still kept my previous speakers). But i am afraid that a "warm" amp might render the system excessively "soft", thats why i was thinking of a "fast and detailed" amp rather ...