
Responses from norsehorse

The Best Preamp is no Preamp?
Working Audio Engineer here. There are three functional ranges of signal: Mic Level - This is the miniscule signal that comes from a microphone. It’s tiny! That’s why microphones are run into preamps. The preamps job is the amplify the signal t... 
Peachtree Audio Nova125 & sensitive speakers
f_r_e OP 5 posts 07-10-2013 7:37am ... Like I said: hiss was unaltered, even with no source connected at all and/or the volume knob turned down to zero. It's just there... Just checking in to say I'm experiencing the same high level of hiss ... 
What makes the biggest difference in sound quality?
grannyring 5,893 posts 12-26-2021 4:47am #1 - the recording quality  #2 - my mood and how tired I am  #3 - proper speaker placement in room Wild applause! Recording quality is the number one ingredient to beautiful recordings/playback. ...