
Responses from nilsvalla

Vintage DD turntables. Are we living dangerously?
Hllo HalcroYes.The Technics sp-10, is so complex that technicans even today¨s not quite shure, whats happend inside. 
Who needs a MM cartridge type when we have MC?
Hello.Time to wake up.i needs the mc. No doubt.I dont even think about it. 
Origin live encounter/illustrious vs Morch UP-4?
ps.Bbybaudi.the good reasons for chusing the dp-6, is you can both use the sheltr (red armtube) and the zyx-airy-3 (blue armtube). nils 
Origin live encounter/illustrious vs Morch UP-4?, but i know the up-4 Against the dp-6 and ther´s many reason to go for the Mørch dp-6. nils 
Origin live encounter/illustrious vs Morch UP-4?, but i know the up-4 Against the dp-6 and ther´s many reason to go for the Mørch dp-6. nils 
Clearaudio Azimuth Optimizer V Fozgometer
hello 1stump.when you use a fozgomete or the clearauio azimth optimizer, you have to read numbers at the display,an that will never be as easy and correct as settig azimuth by ears.(sorry my English) happy newyear nils valla dk 
Clearaudio Azimuth Optimizer V Fozgometer
hello 1stump.if you yuse a fozgometer or the claraudio azimuth optimizer, you have to read some numbers at the display and how correct can you do that? i am shure that you will come closer to the azimuth by listning with you ears.(sorry my English... 
Experience with rewiring SME arm?
hello frank c.if its the sme-v we are talking about, then vandenhul mcs 300 will do. you strip the arm from its inside stof and yuse a 0,75m mcs300 wire in one pice from your cartridge to your riaa, and it will get no better (sory my bad English).... 
VTA and SRA?
the most normal horizontal angle, is 20-22 degrees