

Responses from mwrenne

Hated my Pro-Ject Debut III looking for another budget option. Kind of thinking Thorens
ill check those out thanks. 
Recommendations for used/vintage integrated for vinyl
oh and I kind of cut my last reply short I was a little distracted.  To reply to paraneer's  question in regards to longevity and resale is that in my experience budget items that are great deals for the money are often a little disappointing and ... 
Recommendations for used/vintage integrated for vinyl
Thank you for the responses,I am not in a huge rush  so I can wait for the right piece to show up at the right price/condition.   From the vintage guys it sounds like accuphase or luxman and then plan on re-capping is the way to go.paraneer, jl35,... 
Hated my Pro-Ject Debut III looking for another budget option. Kind of thinking Thorens
Thanks for the help, sorry for the late response on my part! been swamped at work.at the moment deciding between trading some old gear for a thorens 160 that I have already personally checked out that it is in excellent working condition. any a SL...