
Responses from mwelliott99

What direction with new DAC?
What about the Chord Hugo...and there's now a Hugo TT version (same DAC but designed for the home)? People have been saying for a while that you need to spend $7,000 or more to better it and many don't. A completely different chip set and approach... 
Audio Research Ref 3...& Krell Showcase 5 poweramp
Hi Tjassoc, really grateful for your thoughts/help. I'm slightly embarrassed by my system as it isn't as high end or we'll put together as most of the other systems on this and other forums...but I'd like to get to the right place in the end!Music... 
Audio Research Ref 3...& Krell Showcase 5 poweramp
Thanks Al. Why would the balanced/unbalanced cables make a difference? I currently use balanced connections between the two but don't really understand the difference between the two. 
Audio Research Ref 3...& Krell Showcase 5 poweramp
Thanks guys. I listened last night to my new set up and although the ARC ref 3 made an incredible difference I think I can already hear that the Krell Showcase amp is holding it back. The Ref 3 sounds so effortless and musical with a big soundstag...