Responses from muzzleblast
Directionality of wire you guys have shattered my reality... I'm thinking I need to read Dianetics and see what the Church of Scientology has to say about laws of nature, physics, construct of atoms, electron clouds & movement. THEN maybe I can begin to understand w... | |
Directionality of wire What, nonoise, you are now suggesting I live in wrong part of the world? If I have to move, I'm moving to Demark or Sweden, where they have lots of good looking blondes and believe in full frontal nudity... I know which way my pole will orient there. | |
Directionality of wire What on God's earth makes anyone think that directionality in wire can even be heard in audio signals @ KHz frequencies? If its just pure copper wire- and uniform in make, thickness, etc. across a fixed length, its a conductor, and it will conduct... | |
Directionality of wire think we're now on the wrong discussion thread... time to pile on... | |
Directionality of wire I forgot to add that we would indeed have directional wiring in any case if we had DC for primary power. | |
Directionality of wire My, a true renaissance man if there ever was one- good show!We have much to appreciate in the modern world due to the contributions of fellows like Marconi and Tesla. Just think what it might be like w/o them. DC power and a power generation sta... | |
Directionality of wire nonoise...Sure, but as I alluded to, its not in the audio (more specifically analog vs digital) world. I wasn't trying to take subject matter beyond the interest in audio. However in the RF (now we are out realm of "wired" interests) world, where... | |
Directionality of wire LOL, yes... I've been a lurker for a while... but usually stay busy enough, I don't have much time for forums. It's like watching Trump and Kim Jong Un sparring...I'm an engineer by profession... work in defense industry... while lots of instanc... | |
Directionality of wire For those that believe wire is directional (be it low-level signal IC or high-level outputs to speakers), suggest you open your amps and pre-amps, look for the arrows showing the direction within the unit that are marked by the manufacturer (note:... |