
Responses from murz

Which power cord to upgrade first?
Thanks for everyone's thoughts. My system consists of:Denon DVD2200 (DVD, CD/SACD)NAD T763Spendor S5eI am running direct 5.1 from the Denon with Audio Note AN-S silver interconnectsSpeaker cable is Luminous RenaissanceObviously, my system is a lit... 
Need to match a receiver to Spendor S5e
Thanks for everyone's responses.In general, what does one look for in matching a receiver to speakers? While I know the Spendors have a "warm" sound, should I look to pair them with a "warm" receiver? Or should I go with something a little cleaner... 
Vienna Acoustics Bach Grand
Good to know I'm not going to need a new receiver...yet! A couple more questions:For those who have heard the line, does moving up to, say, the Mozart improve the midrange with the additional midrange driver?Can anybody suggest another speaker com... 
Tweeter characteristics
Thanks for the thoughts.I'm being "encouraged" to change speakers due to aesthetics only. I'm actually pretty pleased with the sound of the current setup, but they're turning out to be a bit too big for the room. :)I do actually value midrange sou...