
Responses from mucker

How long do speakers last?
Well, I pulled the trigger, thanks to the "push" (read "good information") from you all. Thank you for the knowledge to be able to make a sound decision on. The clarity (compared to my Klipsch bookshelves) and depth of soundstage if remarkable. On... 
How long do speakers last?
@mijostyn "Think of putting a girdle on an elephant." Thank you for that visual! : )  
How long do speakers last?
@oscar44 That's funny! @gdnrbob I'll reach out to see if parts are available, Good advice! @mijostyn As it turns out, I can solder, so I'll look into in when Cap replacement time comes. Not that I'd do it (I am more of a traditionalist), but I c... 
How long do speakers last?
Thank you all for your replies. There is some great wisdom here.    Considering how little I am paying for them, the worst case is I can just sell them without a loss if I don't like them. But from all accounts they should be great speakers that... 
What should I expect moving from MM to MC?
@ronald_p Great point about the used market. Definitely  a way to upgrade and save some money at the same time. Mani 2 has arrived and works as advertised. I'm going through my albums on different eras and genres. So far I wall say there are nota... 
What should I expect moving from MM to MC?
I really appreciate all of the replies. I’ve learned a LOT, just from this one topic. Many of your responses have inspired me to do a little more online research, which leads to more investigation and research. All in all you’ve set me on a good c... 
What should I expect moving from MM to MC?
Based on all the feedback, I went ahead and ordered the Schiit Mani 2. I'll start there. It gives me  the option to move to a low output MC cart if I want to in the future.  
What should I expect moving from MM to MC?
Thank you @lewm . Your response makes sense. I am going to look into the pre-amp first with my current setup. From there I can dabble with the cartridge, if necessary. I'll look at both of the recommended ones.  
What should I expect moving from MM to MC?
@tablejockey I like the idea of the pre-amp. A friend of mine recommended this, as well. Do I then route the pre-amp into the Denon amp phono inputs? Or other?  
What should I expect moving from MM to MC?
Thank you both for the responses. The Denon amp is set up for MM only, but I read that I can use an MC High Output cart with no issues. A few points/questions: 1. What I like about the Sumiko carts is their broader frequency range. The RP-500M's... 
Static electricity
I do have to say dryer sheets, followed buy a carbon fiber brush  have been 90% effective here in the cold, dry Detroit area over winter. Not perfect, but effective.    
Aftermarket Upgrade Question
@holmz  Honestly, sound advice (no pun intended). While I have taken care of the first three, the tracking force and alignment points I need to address...thank you!   @lowrider57  I am hardwired (AudioQuest Goldengate) into my Denon PMA-600NE,...