
Responses from mrtlaf

Missing and/or greatly recessed sound
Problem Solved: Blue and Green wires at cartridge were switched.  Just listened the tracks above and all instruments were clear and present as it should be.  Thanks yogiboy and geofkait for the out of phase suggestion. Had already looked at other ... 
Missing and/or greatly recessed sound
I've checked all connections from the Processors down to ensure wiring was correct but yogiboy got me to wonder about the cartridge/turntable wiring.  Turns out the wiring combination at the cartridge is Green/White (L) and Blue/Red (R) in lieu of... 
Acoustec Ph1-P versus PS Audio’s NuWave Phono Converter
Ended up buying Sutherland Insight for about same price.  Now selling my AcousTech PH1-Premium if anyone is interested.ThanksMike