
Responses from mrip

What Is So Special About Harbeth?
I bought p3esr xds and based on what I’ve read was prepared to be wowed but ended up selling them after a few weeks. I thought they sounded like a good small speaker, for a narrow range of simple acoustic or vocal music. I thought rock sounded fla... 
This may have already been discussed but are the new pictures where half of it is blurred out something listers have to pay extra to get rid of? These things absolutely kill the site for me. 
Have you ever deceived your wife-audio purchase
Generally don't ask don't tell in my house regarding my purchases or hers. We keep mostly separate finances. I thought several purchases of mine went completely unnoticed but one day she walked over while I was tinkering and said, "I don't know ho... 
Upgrade help needed
Thanks all for the replies. I couldn't resist a good deal on some used Spendor S8Es but the distance I needed to pull them out from the wall gave them a very low WAF and they were simply too close to my listening area to sound as they should. They... 
Overrated & Underrated
Miami should have crushed Ohio. It was terrible. McGahee was injured, and then what was it, 5 turnovers. I was so upset. 
Who is the Youngest Audiogoner??
Well, I'm 21 and I've been reading the site for almost 3 years, so I guess I was 18 when I started. Now I've got a Sony 9000es, Triangle Titus monitors, and a cairn 4808A integrated and think I've come a long way. 
Small room big amp, need speakers
What type of diffuser did you purchase? Did the acoustical treatments really make a noticable improvement? I have a similar room (12x13) and am interested in similar treatments.