
Responses from motortoad

Personal amp evolution
My first noisebox was a Technics receiver bought from Monkey Ward's. Quickly replaced by an NAD 2100 which is still pumping strong power. That's it for the "main" system. :) I'm looking for another amp now, though. In ancillary systems, I'm using ... 
How do you determine how much to spend on speakers
There's a lot of responses already, so I'm sure my opinion here will die, ignored, in the ether... I don't think there's a percentage of a budget that you can copy/paste into making a system. What I can say is what _I'd_ do with $5k. As little as ... 
Personal speaker evolution
I love these threads! :-DThe first speakers I had were Fisher crappitycraps from Monkey Ward's. My dad had (and I now have) Fisher products from the middle '60s (tube tuner and SS integrated). I didn't realize at the time that Fisher wasn't The Fi... 
The best speaker you ever heard?
I haven't been exposed to much, but the best system I've heard was 3 channel set-up using Dahlquist DQ-20s in 1990 or so. The guy had put together a comparator that took the information that was common to both channels and put that in a center cha...