

Responses from motogp

I have not had an opportunity to own the REL sub however I have maintained Velodyne DD18's as well as the JL Audio Fathom F212 V2.  The JL is a much quicker response sub due to the smaller driver however the DD18 is no slouch.  Both excellent subs... 
Has anyone heard the Lexicon MC-10 processor and can they describe its characteristics.
I just pulled the trigger on a new MC-10.  Should be here in a few days for I will give a review on it.  Purchase was due to my Audiocontrol Maestro M8 audio board took a dive and do not believe it will be repaired anytime soon. 
How much do I need to spend to get a preamp that sounds better than no preamp?
As you probably already know, there are so many variables that are factored into each sound system that trying to nail down one preamp for your use can only be determined by testing several in your own environment.  Sound is so dependent on amplif...