
Responses from momostallion

phono pre-amp suggestions for music hall mmf-5.1
DONE! I bought the Pro-Ject Tube Box II! 
phono pre-amp suggestions for music hall mmf-5.1
actually someone on here is selling a project tube box for not too much more. shall i get that? : ] 
phono pre-amp suggestions for music hall mmf-5.1
fair enough. i will probably go with the cambridge unit. it looks like a jump into the $400s before you get into the tube units. 
phono pre-amp suggestions for music hall mmf-5.1
Thanks for the feedback!The cartridge is the stock goldring gl2200. I will upgrade when the time or urge comes. (i'm guessing the latter)I guess I wanted to stick around $200 and that Cambridge unit looks like it fits the bill. Any comparision bet... 
Steam cleaning records 2
wow steam cleaning huh? i might look into that.currently i use a microfiber cloth and a spray (40/60 mix of isopropyl alcohol and distilled water). 
Music Hall MMF 7.1 Turntable. Good choice?
what do you guys consider a great phono pre-amp?how would you rate the mmf7.1 against a mmf-5 se?