
Responses from mnm

Gallo reference 3.1 Amp + Pre? LINN MAJIK DS
I use the Bel Canto S300i integrated with an Akurate DS and Gallo Ref 3.1s. It's awesome. Haven't heard a great number of systems, but I find mine to have a really natural, unforced presentation - it sounds great from electronica to solo guitar/vo... 
Native FLAC Player
Jclsels, you said that Asset transcodes flac into wav or pcm - only if you ask it to though. It will happily serve up flac files to your player, but if the player doesn't support flac, then Asset can transcode on the fly to a format the player doe... 
Just got the PS Audio Perfectwav DAC -- Amazing
forgot to mention, as the thread had moved on so much: I'm going to audition Bel Canto Ref 500s and/or S500 and Gallo 3.1s, which is very similar to OP's setup. Danyal, do you like it? I've also been advised to try the low power amp/high sensitivi... 
Just got the PS Audio Perfectwav DAC -- Amazing
Danyal,That is exactly the question I'd like answered. Very little mention of Linn on here, though they were the first high-end audio company to adopt this technology, and they seem to have truly embraced it. (For the sake of argument, I'm allowin... 
digital front end to rival best vinyl?
What about the Linn DS range?Concept is to have no moving parts in the player itself - no hard disks, no CD transport. It has a network port and a DAC (or two, as you go up the range). Someone mentioned the Slim Devices Transporter, or the Modrigh... 
I have 1500 cds
I would look beyond itunes to do your ripping. 1500 discs will take some time and a fair amount of prep up front will pay off. Look at They're an independent software house, nothing to do with me btw, and you may find their website...