
Responses from mn

Tube match problems
Yes. So it will be a struggle.... 
Tube match problems
Model is  VTL 45/45 stereo. Serial number: 4545007 
Tube match problems
No, there are  definitely no holes around tubes.  
Tube match problems
I’ve just discovered that I cannot attach a photo... 
Tube match problems
Thanks for reply, oddiofyl. I have already red this article in VTL’s site - good one. Could you check the link that I posted above, photo of the amp similar to mine and could you advise the test point. To be honestly, I’m struggling to recognize it.  
Tube match problems
http// my amp is similar to this one and I cannot see test points on it. Does it mean, I have to strip the amp? 
Tube match problems
Hmmm. Ok. I hoped I would be able to avoid bias matching. :)problem is VTL yet didn’t respond me regarding bias parameters of the amp.  
Tube match problems
Just another one - If I buy new, matched quad tubes, do I still need to match them with amp? 
Tube match problems
Thanks again to all! Indeed very helpful comments!!! 
Tube match problems
The only thing is, the amp doesn’t have bias points from outside and it looks like I have to access there removing bottom panel.  
Tube match problems
Yea, I’m already aware of that. I don’t have a practice, but red lots of articles how to match tube/amp and relevant safety precautions. Thanks. 
Tube match problems
Many thanks to All !!!Very valuable advices and now I’m sure I’m gonna deal with that!  
Tube match problems
Thanks for response. I’ve never done this, but sounds easy. Hopfully will find right parameters for tubes and amp...sholud I search for 6l6 Sylvania or with exact serial number of tubes. I mean are parameters same for all Sylvaniya 6l6?