
Responses from misterspooky

I could send you my iPods Halloween playlist, I have over 20,000 songs of all genres.       
Bands/artists you never got to see live in their heyday, but would've liked to.
They always say that the two people I most regret never seeing live are : Cab Calloway and  Rocky Erickson  Cab was playing what very well might have been his last concert in NYC but my girlfriend at the time didn't want to see anything that ... 
Song (or music) you want played at your funeral.
And this little ditty of course, You’re Dead by Norma Tanegahttps://youtu.be/BJVhPVip0M4 
Song (or music) you want played at your funeral.
 My parents died when I was very young and I have always been surrounded by death, so I have a unique relationship with the tall, thin gentleman in the dark cloak.     I was wanted to be buried because let’s face it, I might want to come back. But...