
Responses from misnomer

Anti Skating adjustment
I just wanted to say a big thanks to everyone involved with this thread. Because of the controversy I revisited my AS setup on my SME V and am very glad that I did! As others have stated, your ear and taste is the final arbiter. For the last fe... 
Bang for the buck
Well, I felt I've reached a plateau with the Gyro and decided to get another table. I've bought an SME 20/2a with an SME V arm. The price was so good I just couldn't pass it up! It was a b'day present to myself. I felt a little bad being at Miche... 
Bang for the buck
Thanks Tom, So you didn't go whole hog for the platter? On another list a member says it deadens the sound. I don't want to splash out £400 only to regret it. 
Table enhancements on a budget-
If your table is a suspended design, I believe you can overdamp it. I've been tweaking my Gyrodec a lot and found that it's possbile. The sound just sort of dries up....goes lifeless. You lose the room acoustics in the recording.YMMV 
Bang for the buck
I also already have the tonearm decoupling kit installed. I'm just curious to see how far I can take this table. I've been reading reports of the Orbe platter upgrade dampening the sound too much. Anyone have any experience here? Music tastes vary... 
Bang for the buck
My pre is an Audible Illusions Modulus 3a and I'm very happy with it. Running Pearl Cryo tubes in the output stage and Amperex Orange Globes in the phono stage. I've been playing a lot over the last week or so and have made good progress. Paying l... 
Bang for the buck
Room treatments are a non-issue. Taken care of. I've just picked up a technoarm and am listening as I write. Big improvement! No comparison! So what's next? 
Table enhancements on a budget-
The most rewarding tweaks come from vibration control. You'd be amazed what you can do with some sand in a ziploc bag and blue-tack! Of course, it requires experimentation and repetition of albums over and over again but it's worth it!Save your m...