
Responses from miguelderivero

Has someone compared the A-48 and the P-4600? A and AB? Sound? Heat?   -Hi, Yes I did. But I compared the P-4600 and A-80, not the A-48. My speakers are Sonus Faber Il Cremonese Ex3me and also compare the with McIntosh MC611 and McIntosh 1502. O... 
Solid State Preamp to replace tube unit
Have you tried Accuphase Pre in the use market? The sound of Accuphase is very seductive, part SS and part Tube. I think you can get a used pre around your budget. I don't have their pre but I have their amps. Both class A and AB are both espectac... 
Accuphase class A amps - going up the food chain from an A-48 to an A-80 or A-300?
Totally agree. Entry level is subjective but for Accuphase I believe the P-4600 is their entry level power amp together with the A-48 class a. From those lines it just goes up in price but I don't know how much better could be in sound quality vs ... 
Accuphase class A amps - going up the food chain from an A-48 to an A-80 or A-300?
I also own an Accuphase P-4600, their entry level power amp and I can say this amplifier produce a beautiful sound. Part solid state and part tubes. Lots of detail. Comparing with my McIntosh MC1502 and MC611, this P-4600 is as good if not better ...