

Responses from michelangelo

Best qobuz records to compare dac upgrades
Thanks all for the fantastic suggestions. I truly appreciate the variety of inputs, which, beyond being helpful for my assessment, introduced me to authors or records I didn't know before!  
Best qobuz records to compare dac upgrades
Thanks all for the prompt and useful feedback, including the reservations by soix and fstein,highlighting aspects I clearly overlooked! I was not aware of those recordings suggested by jim and mel, these by themselves made my post worthwhile music... 
Bluesound Node 2i & KEF LS50 wireless hum/buzz
... of course I meant "how do you connect by bluetooth" ... 
Bluesound Node 2i & KEF LS50 wireless hum/buzz
Hello Shifuman, question: how do you connect the KEF (LS50 II wireless) to the Vault or Node 2i? I tried but didn’t succeed ... thanks!