Responses from michaelrg
Michael Aday (Metloaf) has passed away. His correct name is Marvin Lee Aday. | |
Has anybody bought or heard a Chinese knock off amplifier? Can someone please post links to these Chinese knockoffs. I have owned Xindak DAC 8 and their CD player. Both were okay, not great but okay for the price. I have also tried some Xindak cables. Same response. Japan started out making cheap, plastic... | |
Dopes anyone know where I can locate a Phillips ASD_2002/board 3139-243-31373-01? I guess I cannot edit. "Dopes" should read Does. Sorry. | |
What are the sexiest components ever made? I do like my Sonus Faber Stradivari speakers and Oracle CD player. | |
Are these fake? Seller has a 99.1% rating. 8 negatives all saying he is selling fake goods. | |
The best looking speakers I have Sonus Fabers, Martin Logans and Harbeths and they are all beautiful in the right settings. | |
Using tube amp with electrostatic speakers. I am running Martin Logan Spires with a Mystere tubed pre amp and Moscode 402 AU hybrid amp and am very happy with the sound. |