
Responses from metromedia

Preamp for McCormack DNA500
Marantz SC-7S1 lush, almost warm with great detail and imaging. Running with a Wadia player and B&W 803D's 
Good tube preamp for McCormack DNA 500???
I use a Marantz SC-7S1with my DNA500 driving B&W 803D speakers. I was looking for a tube pre at the time but could not find what I wanted in my price range of about $3000. I found a good deal on a JC-2 but the seller would not ship to Canada. ... 
Parasound JC-1 and B&W 803d
I am driving my 803D's with McCormack's DNA-500 and am fairly content with it. My source is a Wadia 581SE. I originally found this combination somewhat on the bright side. I believe the source and speakers lean toward the bright side and the Amp i...