
Responses from messierobject

looking for a dvd transport
For great bang/$, look for a DVD player modified specifically as a transport by Dan Wright, Stan Warren, or Ric Schulz (EVS). I got one of the EVS-modified ones - a Pioneer 414, certainly an unspectacular stock machine, BUT hugely improved for a c... 
BelCanto DACs vs transport/IC quality
Relevant...? OK, I use a Perpetual P1A to reclock in front of my (modwrightted P3A) DAC. Perpetual says this should make differences in transport and digital cable a "refinement" rather than a major factor; so this observation should be comparable... 
Sennheiser and Clou cables for HD580s?
Sonically, there are two replacement cables (Cardas and Equinox) that are superior to the Clou, and way superior to the stock cables. Also, both are much more flexible, mechanically, to the Clou (with an edge in this department to the Equinox).Per...