
Responses from mdpinsky

Wyred 4 Sound.....Anyone?????
I'm new at this, so if this post constitutes hijacking the thread, please say so and I'll quit.That said, can anyone describe the sonics of the W4S ST-250/SX-250 with the other W4S amps? The 250's use the B&O ASC amp module.The 500 and 1000's ... 
W4S DAC1 & STP-SE vs. W4S DAC2 as digital frontend
IMHO, a better question with which to begin this thread would have been: "What is the best digital front end for the dollar for the EP CS 2.3's?" And, to my initial surprise, the most satisfying answer I have found so far doesn't involve W4S gear ... 
W4S DAC1 & STP-SE vs. W4S DAC2 as digital frontend
In the short time since I typed-in the run-on inquiry above, I have done gone and got religion. Did what I should have done before typing my question and searched the hoary threads on this site about whether to preamp vel non. Searched for threads...