
Responses from maresmares

Jadis Orchestra Reference bias adjustment?
This is a great forum! Thanks to everyone who helped me with my questions and concerns. I have learned a lot, met some nice people on the way, and got all the information I have asked for.Now I know how to adjust the bias on my JOR. It is actually... 
Jadis Orchestra Reference bias adjustment?
Pierre Gabriel, the US /Canada Jadis Distributor must be highly recommended.Even I live in Asia, he still took the time to speak to me for about an hour on the phone, giving me all kind of information about the JOR and other Jadis amplifiers.He ha... 
Jadis Orchestra Reference bias adjustment?
Thanks a lot. I really appreciate all the help. With the pictures and descriptions, it should be easy now.ItÂ’s great to get all the support here at Audiogon 
Jadis Orchestra Reference bias adjustment?
Joe, Thanks again for your posting at Audiogon.Like you say, a picture is worth a thousand words, and I wonder, if perhaps you could email me a few JPGs indicating the two points, where I have to put the black and red probes of my multimeter.I thi... 
Jadis Orchestra Reference bias adjustment?
Apparently, there are somehow inconsistent views about how often the bias on the JOR needs to be adjusted.While most owners here at Audiogon feel adjustments are necessary every few months, one dealer in Europe says, adjustments are only needed on... 
Jadis Orchestra Reference bias adjustment?
Hi Mcfarland,thanks for your post. It would be great, if perhapsyou could email me those bias instructions.My email is: and my fax is66-76-202670Thanks a lot.