
Responses from manzoor

Review: Initial DMA-710 Mini DVD HT System Video
Also here you can buy. Especially check CD section connected to quality preamp or integrated amp. Goodluck.;_ylc=X3oDMTFlOHNoMGJuBF9TAzk2MDc5MjYwBGsDaW5pdGlhbCBkbWEgNzEwBHNlYwNrYgRzbGsDdGl0bGU-?view=g&p=initial... 
Review: Initial DMA-710 Mini DVD HT System Video
I have DMA-710 for two years also, still playing nicely. At the moment, I use only for cd connected to Yamaha AX-700U integrated/amp (paid $70) using A/D/S SAT 7 (paid $300). They sound better than my main system, honest. Link: http://cgi.audioasy... 
Sakura Systems OTA Cable Kit
With your permission, I want to send your comparison review of NBS and Sakura to the Absolute Sound magazine.As far as Sakura cable, I tried it as speaker cables, and it replaced my Bearlabs Silver Thunder sp cables (although it is a great cable, ... 
Thanks Lak, Bear Lab cable is the best
Hi Gregm,Sorry for the late reply, and thank you for the encouragement; my system is described in the web page in the member system. My moniker is manz66. Good Luck. Btw, I checked your previous comments in audiogon, and looks ... 
Thanks Lak, Bear Lab cable is the best
Hi Tom,I have heard your particular system (Arc Ls2 MKII, ARC d300). Usually, Arc amps are very detail, fast, and color of timbre is little bit white. Your choice of Cardas Golden Ref and Golden Cross is a good choise. Between thetwo I liked GR th... 
Power Cord Review
Tg Audio by Bob Crump PC, Bob is one of the nicest guy around, he gives away four of his cables free every year for audio asylum contribution. Cardas ref golden cross, one of the most sought after cables. Please, no more review of Shuynata power s...